Body Composition Analysis Melbourne.

Discover Precision Health & Fitness with Styku 3D Body Composition Analysis at Recharge Lab

Transform Your Health in 60 Seconds.

Discover your body's true potential with our Styku 3D body composition scanner. Quick and precise, it's the first step towards a personalised wellness plan tailored just for you.

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Personalised Insights for Targeted Results.

Understand your body like never before. Our scanner provides detailed metrics essential for crafting a health strategy that's as unique as you are.

Track Your Journey to Peak Performance.

With regular check-ins, watch your transformation unfold. Our detailed reports show your progress, keeping you motivated and on track towards your goals.

Effortless and Non-Invasive.

Embrace the simplicity of our non-invasive scanner, designed for your convenience. It's the perfect fit for your busy lifestyle, providing deep insights without any hassle.
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Your Partner in Achieving Peak Fitness

The journey to peak health is a partnership, and our experienced team at Recharge Lab is here to guide you every step of the way.


1 Scan $99
2 Scans $149

Have Questions? We Have Answers.

The Styku 3D Body Composition Scanner utilises advanced 3D imaging technology to provide detailed and accurate measurements of various aspects of your body composition, such as weight, body fat percentage, muscle mass, and more.

The Styku scanner measures a range of metrics including body fat percentage, lean mass, fat mass, waist-to-hip ratio, and more. These measurements are highly accurate, with studies showing a high degree of correlation between Styku's results and those obtained through traditional methods like DEXA scans.

Yes, the Styku scanner can accurately differentiate between muscle mass and fat mass. Its advanced algorithms and 3D imaging technology allow for precise measurements of both muscle and fat distribution throughout the body.

The Styku scanner takes into account factors like hydration levels and bone density through its advanced analysis algorithms. By incorporating these factors, Styku provides a more comprehensive and accurate assessment of your body composition.

Absolutely, the Styku scanner is suitable for individuals with diverse body types, including athletes and individuals with disabilities. Its customisable settings and advanced technology allow for accurate measurements regardless of body shape or size.

For effective tracking of body composition progress, we recommend using the Styku scanner every 4 to 6 weeks. This interval allows for enough time to see meaningful changes in your body composition while also providing regular feedback to help you stay on track toward your goals.

Yes, the Styku scanner can help identify areas of imbalance in your body composition that may impact your overall health. By analysing metrics such as muscle distribution and body fat percentage, Styku can highlight areas where adjustments may be needed to achieve optimal health and fitness.

There are no special preparations required before using the Styku scanner. Simply wear form-fitting clothing and remove any jewellery or accessories that may interfere with the scan. It's also important to ensure that the scanning area is well-lit and free from obstructions for accurate results.

Yes, the data from the Styku scanner can be easily integrated with other health and fitness tracking apps or programs. This allows you to seamlessly incorporate your body composition data into your overall health and wellness routine for a more holistic approach to fitness.

Our team of experts is available to provide support and guidance for interpreting the results from the Styku scanner and implementing changes based on this information. Whether you have questions about your measurements or need assistance developing a personalised health and fitness plan, we're here to help you every step of the way.

Start Your Transformation Today.

Are you ready to unlock your full potential? Book your Styku Body composition analysis and begin your transformative journey with us.

Recharge Lab - Empowering you to live Younger | Stronger | Longer.